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Paxton10 010-254 VR-lezer, vandaalbestendig, ingebouwde draadloze Bluetooth

Brand: Paxton Access
Artikelnr #:010-254-NL Model #: 010-254-NL  Naam: Paxton 010-254 Paxton10 VR Reader, Vandal Resistant, Built-in Bluetooth Wireless
  • IK10 rated for ultimate impact resistance
  • Built-in Bluetooth wireless technology, allowing the use of smart devices
  • Reads Paxton, MIFARE,HID Prox, EM, FeliCa, NFC and DESFire token technology




Beperkte garantie

Uiterlijke kenmerken

57,6 mm
19,5 mm
106 mm


Inhoud verpakking
  • Smart Card Reader
  • Security Screws

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